Effect Analysis of Facemask on Emotions’ Communication in Japanese People



論文タイトル:Effect Analysis of Facemask on Emotions’ Communication in Japanese People

著者:Yoko Nishihara, Azumi Inoue, and Junjie Shan

概要:This paper reports the effect of a facemask on emotions’ communication between Japanese people through experiments with participants. In the experiments, we made participants in pairs and asked them to speak about their own episodes with emotion to another. The relationships of the pairs included “first-meeting” and “friends.” The participants picked out emotions on their own and spoke about their episodes with the emotions in Japanese. We separated the pairs of participants into two groups. Group A (18 pairs, 36 participants) was asked to communicate without a facemask, while Group B (18 pairs, 36 participants) was asked to converse with facemasks on. The results were compared between the two groups to reveal the effect of the facemask. From experimental results, we found that the effect of emotion conveyance would reduce for friend-pairs if they wore facemasks.

書誌情報:The 29th International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing, pp.152-159
